
Field Dykes
Construction of brand new traditional "doubled" dry stone walls and repairs to existing dykes that have collapsed due to tree roots, water erosion, vehicular impact etc. A properly built wall should stand for at least 100 years with very little maintenance. We usually like to use stone sourced on site but can supply stone if required.

Retaining Walls
In my view the most practical use of dry stone walling, as the wall not only supports the ground behind but allows it to drain freely. Well built retaining walls are often a striking feature in their own right.

Mortared Walls
Although not a core part of our business mortared walls are often requested by clients or are required to match existing walls. Built in a similar way to dry walls they can look impressive if sympathetically pointed.

General Stonework
Whilst often using the principles of dry dyking, stone can be used for any number of purposes. Cladding houses is something we are often asked to do, as is building steps, laying patios, building seats and benches, ponds and barbeques.

Stone fireplaces have long been a significant part of our work and can take many different forms. We also fit woodburning stoves into stone fireplaces as often this needs to be done at the building stage.